Recorded Live Inside Great Saltpetre Cave in Mount Vernon, Kentucky

"MOTHERDRUM is must-have music for drummers and dancers; ideal for trances, meditation and ceremony."

drumming inside mother earth album cover

Drumming Inside Mother Earth

1 Clockish
2 An Interesting Fonga
3 Just Gettin' Started
4 Big Stomp
5 Whippoorwill
6 Drums for Spirits
7 Instant Success
8 Yee Haw
9 Clueless
10 Mother's Heartbeat
11 Ceremony
12 Release the Night
mothers album cover

Mother's Hearbeat

1 Cadence
2 The Summoning
3 Tribal Gathering
4 Echo Auditorium
5 A Faraway Place
6 Nada (Universal Heartbeat)
7 Medicine Wheel
8 Midsummer
9 Trance Dance
10 The Journey
11 Widdershins